Podcasting is the fireside chat of content marketing techniques. It’s a surprisingly intimate and effective way to get your message out to your audience and generate business leads. If you’re not already podcasting for your business, here are 3 reasons it’s time to think about it. Why podcasting is good for your business?
Reasons why Podcasting may be good for your business | Why podcasting is good for your business?
1. Podcasts are convenient for your audience Unlike blogs and video, podcasts are a form of content your audience can consume passively. Like radio before it, podcasting can be listened to in the car while they’re commuting, while they’re out walking the dog or jogging, while they’re ironing their shirts for work, or while they’re cooking dinner. But while radio is often background noise, people actively listen to podcasts. They’re more engaged. The following points come from a study by Edison Research and Triton Digital. Podcast listeners subscribe to the content they want to listen to; they actively “opt in”. Usually this content downloads automatically to their device, and they listen later They consume podcasts when they are best able to pay attention to the content They are more willing to promote podcast content to others and to rely on word-of-mouth Podcast listeners prefer in-depth content.
2. Become the trusted expert in your field One of the great benefits to all forms of content marketing is that they allow you to become a “thought leader” in your industry. Some podcast hosts have become celebrities in their fields, often asked to host events, give presentations, or appear on other podcasts and in mainstream media. This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone in business. There’s a real opportunity to leverage the kudos you get from hosting a successful podcast – and that can be extremely good for business The other advantage is that hosting a regular podcast forces you to stay across important (and even minor) developments in your field. That means you really will become an expert in your field. Reasons why Podcasting may be good for your business And if you have guests on your show, it will soon mean you’re incredibly well-connected to lots of people both in your industry and on the periphery of it. That’s handy.
3. Leverage your other content If you’re considering a podcast, chances are you’re already producing other forms of content and you’re following a documented content marketing strategy. That’s great. Having a podcast is an excellent platform to leverage those other forms of content, build on them, give them new life and introduce them to a whole new audience. For example, if you’ve written a blog post called “8 Ways Gardening Can Change Your Life”, you can follow up with a podcast on the same topic, pointing back to the original piece. And, once it’s released, you can link to the podcast episode from the blog, too. Then you can send both out to your database in your regular e-newsletter. That way you might well pick up new subscribers across your various platforms.
Reasons why Podcasting may be good for your business | Why podcasting is good for your business?
If you are considering starting your own Podcast to amplify your voice and messages of impact, I have just launched my Podcasting Profits Secrets Course, that takes you step by step to go from concept to Launch

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